We offer a huge variety of yoga classes for different levels, covering diverse yoga-styles that are offered by different teachers. We also aim to provide classes in different languages, to accommodate the multicultural nature of the Minett.
We also want to ensure that everybody can attend our classes, regardless of their age, pronouns, social or cultural background, religion or level of fitness and flexibility. Financial barriers should not be an obstacle for those who want to practice yoga; this is why we try to keep the prices as low as possible.
Thanks to our generous community, we're able to offer free yoga classes to those who can't afford them. If you'd like to donate a bundle of classes, or if you're in need of a donated bundle, please email us at hello@yam.lu. We'll make sure the donated bundle goes to someone who can't currently afford classes.
We believe that everybody can truly benefit from the yoga practice. Yoga meets you where you are. There are no preconditions or prerequisites. Just come as you are and discover yourself through the wonderful practice of yoga with us!